Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 10:47 AM
; Java JaVa:(
Yesterday I really feel angry and pissed off with myself because my java exam sure fail, I had made a lot of mistake and got a lot of errors, how I going to pass my java exam?? Haven’t see the result, I already felt so stressful and headache..OMG!! It’s really wasted my time to stare on the com to study the exam for whole day, in the end I still fail..I really need to bang the WALL and I can’t even smile after my java exam, whole day like that..Damn suck but just can’t help as I just feel so angry with myself..Some more got one more exam..
Friday, July 10, 2009, 11:33 PM
; *Happy Birthday To WInnie* =)
Happy Birthday To U
happY birthDay tO u
HaPpy Birthday To Winnie
hapPy bIrthday to U[".]


***HappY Gal***

Linda going to kiss her!! Hehe

*Sis & Winnie*

*Ivy and Winnie*

*Us* Lols

**sooo cute and funny** :P

Finally can wish winnie Happy Birthday and thank for your dinner:) It's great to meet my Sister, Winnie, Ivy and Linda but quite sad that didn't saw Joey. We went to 长城粥 at outram park there for dinner and the foods are delicious [yummy yummy] - It's really fun and non-stop laughing..love it!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 12:25 PM
; Our Gathering =)
I'm really excited and looking forward for our class gathering:) at IMM swensens...and it's really quite a long time didn't saw Mr Aaron Tang (Cabbage) since higher nitec..haha..I felt happy that I able to go for class gathering as we also hardly meet each other and we have alot of fun. We laugh and play together like no other people business, haha[">]
Hopefully we have more gathering, Yeah!!
**Me and Jac**
**Taken with Paul**

Where mine Ice-Cream???HAha

**WChicken - Wake up Wake Up..Lols:P**

**More Outing**

**Where janna and Tofu!!**

**Me with Cabbage**ooPs
**Cindy** - bullies three of us..HaHa:P

**Hope to see ur sOOn** LoLs
P.S: I feel so sleepy and tired, brain can't really think liao...haha but our gathering ROCKz:P
Thursday, July 2, 2009, 11:04 PM
; *Dinner at Swensens*
I'm so happy and looking forward to meet christine for dinner at Jurong Point and nearly wanted to hug her:)misses her so much as nowasdays; we also hardly meet each other and really feel sad about it but also no choice, mostly now only can meet for dinner and really treasure the time with her...haha
We went to Swensens to have our dinner and chatting happily BUT we realize that we had waited quite long and we will angry that they have forgotten our order...Damn it:( and tine haven't taken her dinner yet, I felt heart pain lo...and the service are very BAD!!
At least they have apologize to us BUT still need to wait for five minutes and FINALLY they serve our foods, We have no mood to order ice-cream liao..."Thank to them lo"..


Thinking what she want to order!!!
Hazelnut milkshake[".] Nice
Taken by Tine...LOLs
Trying to AC:P haha
Thank for ur dinner=)BIG HUG and muackz..dearest tine...