Sunday, September 27, 2009, 5:19 PM
; New Explore...LOL
I'm back for blogging:) haha, where got so long didn't blog liao!! hmm but sometime busy plus lazy also..ooopz..
Yesterday, I had met ting, ping and claris out at vivo city around 10pm..finally of us and claris's cousin..nice one:P We went to dragonFly but I didn't able to went in as I didn't bring IC!! feel a bit spolit ting pei paiseh about it but thks alot..we walk back to vivo city and take photo..haha..also quite fun, we also notice that got one cafe opened surprise right?? Both of us think that their foods quite delicious..

Until 12.30am..

After that we went back to find claris and ping, FINALLY I able to went in and just knew that ping's friend birthday..She is so friendly and nice:) the atmosphere there damn good and high

Four of us went to somewhere to find kelvin but after awhile, ting and I left the place least I knew that kelvin also will take care both of them..feel 放心=)
Gonna to meet them U all..huggies..