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Saturday, April 24, 2010, 1:22 AM

; Advance Celebration For Fung Mei=)

Hui Fung, I wish u happy Birthday in advance first:D
I'm so surprise that now I still so hyper and can't really sleep cos before that when I on the way to meet 公主们, I really felt so tired and stress about FYP:( scare that I can't able to finish the project[I HATE CODING] and exam also coming soon!!!
Although tired but also looking forward to have dinner with them:D at PizzaHut for fung advance birthday, now everyone busy with their own things and hardly see each other so even tired will try not to miss the fun..LOL

What make me feel awake?? It's bowling ball, haha cos my nail broken and felt slightly pain BUT I really had fun and hopefully 公主们& HG also..haha..as some or less playing game can make me feel more happily and in the meantime I really don't want to think about FYP first cos MON onward everday also need to dicuss FYP!!! haiX haIX HAIX..but now really don't want to talk about it first..Hope ur enjoy the weekend!!

~Love the Chocolate:P~
Thursday, February 18, 2010, 3:30 PM

; Happy New Year - Gong Xi Gong Xi

Happy New Year:D everybody

How long I didn't update my blog?? Since quite long...nearly forgotten that I had blog and totally can't remember my password..luckily I got wrote down the password before..LOL..

BTW, I also don't know what to write and going to prepare liao...will try to update again (if I not lazy) LOL..

Lastly, really thks for ur presents and it's so enjoyable..muackz..
Friday, January 8, 2010, 10:45 AM

; Busy With PHP:(

woW, I just know that I had been so long didn't update my blog liao..haha..as really quite busy and damn lazy to blog esp upload the pictures...lol...

I'm feel so stress about the php lesson and after lesson still got php exam..Damn..as I don't know how to continue And now going to focus liao...Jia u:)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 9:11 PM

; Advance Birthday For U:D

Both of us FINALLY manage to meet out for dinner(^.^) felt so happy as we really really long time didn't meet out liao..[tin u got felt happy anot!!]lol...This week will be quite busy*Haiz*, so I decided to celebrate your birthday a bit early and gave you surprise..YEAH!!
I will a bit rush and also don't have much time as I thought that can meet you early but anyway hope that u will like the present and the cake:D hehe...I will never forgot how I knew you de...Even we seldom meet out but the concern for you, will always be there..HUGGIES Christine:P
~Advance Happy Birthday To U~
Sunday, October 4, 2009, 5:40 PM

; sian Sian SIAN=(

I really don't feel like going out for the whole day, just feel so tired and no really has the mood..gastric also quite pain..Tml need to go back to rp liao, so sian and everything need to start again..don't know can made it anot? Coding again?? Omg!!
I'm still waiting for my advisor to reply my email and I had already waited three weeks plus but don't know what the hell is it?? so long didn't reply me and worry that if he didn't approve my work, still don knw I have the time to finish it anot?? Although our advisors were different but they are much faster than mine ADVISOR..the more I think the more I feel so pissed off..
Don't feel like going back but haiz....
Sunday, September 27, 2009, 5:19 PM

; New Explore...LOL

I'm back for blogging:) haha, where got so long didn't blog liao!! hmm but sometime busy plus lazy also..ooopz..

Yesterday, I had met ting, ping and claris out at vivo city around 10pm..finally of us and claris's cousin..nice one:P We went to dragonFly but I didn't able to went in as I didn't bring IC!! feel a bit spolit moods..so ting pei me..so paiseh about it but thks alot..we walk back to vivo city and take photo..haha..also quite fun, we also notice that got one cafe opened until12.30am..so surprise right?? Both of us think that their foods quite delicious..





Until 12.30am..





After that we went back to find claris and ping, FINALLY I able to went in and just knew that ping's friend birthday..She is so friendly and nice:) the atmosphere there damn good and high



Four of us went to somewhere to find kelvin but after awhile, ting and I left the place first..at least I knew that kelvin also will take care both of them..feel 放心=)
Gonna to meet them again..love U all..huggies..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 10:47 AM

; Java JaVa:(

Yesterday I really feel angry and pissed off with myself because my java exam sure fail, I had made a lot of mistake and got a lot of errors, how I going to pass my java exam?? Haven’t see the result, I already felt so stressful and headache..OMG!! It’s really wasted my time to stare on the com to study the exam for whole day, in the end I still fail..I really need to bang the WALL and I can’t even smile after my java exam, whole day like that..Damn suck but just can’t help as I just feel so angry with myself..Some more got one more exam..

Me & My Sis


One Love - Super Junior

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